Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Online Teacher Training Introduction

Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Certification Course

Dig deep into the world of prenatal yoga, pregnancy anatomy, childbirth education, postnatal yoga, and much much more as Jennifer More shares information and experience from her extensive career working with prenatal and postpartum people as well as her over 10,000 hours spent with laboring women as their doula. This depth of experience has been distilled down, researched, filmed, and edited in to a concise package designed to teach students what they need to know to safely teach prenatal and postnatal yoga - or just to learn much more about their bodies as they prepare for their own pregnancies.

This course will certify students to teach prenatal and postnatal yoga and it is eligible for the RPYT from Yoga Alliance if you are an active member. 

This certification course is offered in 2 parts:

Part 1: Pre-Recorded Course Content

Students will watch 60 hours of pre-recorded videos. These videos can be watched at any convenient time. We just ask that students have watched the course content for each section before the corresponding Live Zoom Sessions. Each video is well organized, covers a specific topic, and is presented at a length that allows students to fit this course into their busy schedules.

Part 2: Live Zoom Sessions

Students will also meet with Jennifer and other students for 20 hours. These live meetings allow students to ask questions, practice asana, and generally learn more about each section of the pre-recorded course content.

The Certification Track includes:

  • 60+ hours of video instruction
  • 155-page manual
  • 20+ hours of interactive video time with Jennifer and your groups
  • Individual assessment of teaching techniques
  • Course completion Certification
  • Eligible for Yoga Alliance RPYT if you are an active member
  • Private Facebook Group Membership

Course Sampler Video

In her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga teacher trainings, Jennifer adapts Vinyasa Yoga for the needs of pregnant women, providing a system that works with the pregnant body without sacrificing the intensity that you need to prepare for childbirth. This unique approach to prenatal yoga gives pregnant women the opportunity to safely remain active and challenged in their vinyasa practice. The strengthening that occurs in this Prenatal Yoga practice prepares the necessary muscles for labor and childbirth, often resulting in shorter labor, less pain, and fewer interventions, including a decrease in the need for Cesarean sections. Learning to link breath and movements in a constant flow greatly increases the ability for women to work with their bodies, increasing the likelihood of a more natural and joyous birth experience.

More than just Prenatal Yoga

This prenatal yoga teacher training is unique in that Jennifer’s vast childbirth experience gives her the ability to teach much more than just prenatal yoga. Jennifer integrates techniques to allow women to get in touch with their bodies and the sensations they feel. These techniques are immensely powerful in labor to help change the fearful negative perception many women have about birth. She trains teachers to help women find their strength and power while surrendering and focusing during yoga. Jennifer’s Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, as highlighted in past student testimonies, is a powerful experience for the teachers themselves; some have even said the best training they have ever taken! While addressing the empowerment of prenatal women, it’s only logical that self-empowerment also happens throughout the group; many students undergo their own personal breakthroughs. Jennifer believes that Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga can be the catalyst for a positive and life changing experience of birth and beyond.

Postnatal Yoga for New Moms

Jennifer has spent years working closely with postpartum physical therapists to create a safe and healing postnatal formula and teaching style. This section of the training builds off of the prenatal section and will help women prevent long-term injuries commonly seen in postnatal women. Teachers will feel confident in assessing what poses and sequences are appropriate for women whether they had a vaginal delivery or a cesarean birth.

Support Your Community & Yourself

Make a real difference in the quality of childbirth and pregnancy in your community. Students who complete this teacher training will be inspired and prepared to work with pregnant women and their families and guide them through a challenging, safe and effective prenatal yoga practice.

In addition to learning how to teach prenatal yoga, many students join this course to learn about their own bodies and pregnancies.

Meet your Instructor

Jennifer More is a Registered Yoga Alliance Vinyasa and Prenatal Yoga instructor (E-RYT500 & RPYT), Certified Master Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist, Doula, Childbirth Educator, Reiki master and a Mother.

Jennifer’s passion for the benefits of prenatal yoga extends beyond the United States. She has trained yoga instructors in Peru, China, Colombia, Dubai, Bali, Mexico, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Australia, as well as many US locations in her Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga technique. Now with her online trainings she has trained students in about fifty countries. Her style has also given yoga instructors the tools to modify poses appropriately in order to incorporate pregnant women into their existing flow classes in a safe and effective manner. Countless women from all over the world have contacted Jennifer and credited her yoga techniques with improving the quality of their pregnancies and their birth experiences. In 2002, Jennifer opened the Dolphin Yoga and Doula Center, (now Dolphin Doula) to help laboring women and their partners prepare for positive birth experiences by providing knowledge, tools and a comforting environment for prenatal health and childbirth. Dolphin offers Doula and Postpartum Doula Services, Childbirth Education, Doula Training, Advanced Doula Training, and other childbirth preparation classes and events. Jennifer’s love for yoga and passion in the field of pregnancy and childbirth has propelled her to reach out to medical practitioners to help build a bridge between the medical community and doulas. As a hypnotherapist for the past twenty-five years, Jennifer pioneered the Dolphin Method, which uses hypnosis for gentle birthing and anxiety reduction during labor. She has prepared thousands of pregnant women for childbirth and provided doula support in more than 450 births and has spent over 10,000 hours with laboring women. Jennifer was an educator at the Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy, where she offered the Dolphin Method and Childbirth Hypnosis certification as well as pain management to doulas and hypnotherapists.

This Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training includes:

  • Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga ~ Asana and Flow
  • Prenatal Formula for assessing the safety of yoga poses 
  • Prenatal variations and alternatives
  • Teaching Prenatal Vinyasa Yoga
  • Teaching Gentle Prenatal Yoga
  • Jennifer’s trademarked formula for assessing the safety of yoga poses for pregnant women
  • Poses that pregnant students should avoid
  • Pregnancy precautions and warning signs
  • Being responsible with your pregnant students
  • Modifications for pregnant students attending regular flow yoga classes
  • Different levels/different bodies
  • Class sequencing
  • Modifications for 3 trimesters of pregnancy
  • Yoga for common pregnancy discomforts

Intro to Childbirth Education

  • Understanding the pregnant body
  • Understanding prenatal procedures and complications that your students will be experiencing
  • Stages and phases of labor
  • Common pregnancy discomforts, health concerns, and precautions
  • Warning signs of prenatal health issues
  • Pregnancy exercise myths vs facts
  • Keeping pregnant women safe and working with the medical community

Pregnancy Anatomy

  • Understanding the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles as they relate to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
  • Fetal position variations
  • How to achieve and maintain optimal baby positioning
  • Muscle release techniques
  • Labor Anatomy, understanding labor and childbirth
  • Psoas in motion
  • Prenatal Partner Yoga
  • Prenatal partner yoga and adjustments
  • Yoga and massage during Labor
  • Beyond prenatal yoga asana ~ Relaxation techniques for childbirth

Postnatal Yoga

  • Postnatal precautions
  • Postnatal asana and flow
  • Jennifer’s trademarked formula for assessing the safety of yoga poses for postpartum women
  • Jennifer’s trademarked postnatal yoga sequences
  • Understanding and healing the female pelvic floor
  • Diastasis recti identification and treatment
  • Yoga after a cesarean birth or other medical interventions
  • Postnatal Formula for assessing the safety of yoga poses

Example Curriculum

Available in days
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  Section 1
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  Section 5
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  Section 6
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  Section 7
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  Section 8
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  Section 9
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  Section 10
Available in days
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